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We Need You! (Volunteer Ask, Aug 2018)

Could You Be The New Secretary For The Women’s Kiteboarding Collective?

As an official registered non-profit organisation, The Women’s Kiteboarding Collective is able to conduct a variety of important work to help educate, inspire and connect female kiteboarders. We are an entity that is formally recognised to represent women in the industry and therefore we are bound to keep formal records of all our Board meetings.

Alongside the work that is undertaken by our Board Members, certain tasks and roles are also reserved specifically for additional volunteers. We hope that offering voluntary positions will create opportunities for the community to participate and endorse our work, as well as offer feedback.

We are currently seeking a new secretary to help us set agendas, keep records and minute our meetings so that the organisation runs smoothly.

We feel this role is fundamental to our organization and suits an unpaid member of staff who donates their time and talent to support the volunteer Board Members. We are looking for the following:

The Role Requirements:

  • Collate all topics for meeting agendas (Board Members must submit topics three days before the meeting time.)
  • Prepare a document outlining the agendas for upcoming meetings and send to all Board Members the day before.
  • Support Co-Chairs in ensuring all Board Members know meeting times and will help confirm who can attend.
  • Be available to attend 1-2 online meetings a month (usually at 2pm EST lasting around an hour), as well as 1-2 annual meetings which last around 2 hrs.
  • Take notes and fully ‘minute’ the meetings.
  • Upload minuted meeting notes complete with action points and circulate to all Board Members no later than a week after each meeting.

Skills needed:

  • A female kiteboarder.
  • 6-12 month commitment.
  • Fluent English.
  • Ability to attend all Collective Meetings
  • Organization skills
  • Experience of using a Google drive.

To apply:

Email our Board Co-Chair Eléa Faucheron with the answer to these three questions:

  1. Why you would be great for the volunteer position? (List your skills, passions etc…)
  2. Details of your kiteboarding experience?
  3. Information regarding your flexibility and how you will ensure notes get taken if you can’t make a meeting for some reason? (Will you delegate, record the meeting etc…)

In return for your time we will give you free membership and ambassador status as well as the opportunity to advance into other volunteer positions.

As a part of our commitment to both transparency and to creating opportunities for community investment in our organization, The Women’s Kiteboarding Collective welcomes volunteers in a variety of roles, including activities that directly support leadership positions and services.

Please feel free to contact our Board Co-Chair Eléa Faucheron:

Many thanks for your support in making the kiting world a stronger one for us all.